Tuesday 8 November 2011

Rising Success Through Achievement Motivation Training 2011... :)

Hi friends! This is my first post since I started blogging. By the way, this post is also an ICT Project for Web Blog Chapter.

Okay, in My school, SMP Labschool Jakarta has 3 main study tours, they're Industry Visit for 7th grade, INVITA for 8th grade, and AMT for 9th grade. Now, I'd like to tell about my experience in AMT.

AMT (Achievement Motivation Training) is an event held annually (every year) for 9th grade that has purpose to motivate the students who will face the National Examination (UN), School Examination (US), and entrance test for favourite Senior High School. AMT is also included in Raising The SUN event. In 2011, AMT was held for #18 Generation "Dezoito Força" in Grand Pesona Hotel Sukabumi from Friday, October 28th until Saturday, October 29th 2011.

One day before AMT, exactly in Thursday, October 27th 2011, we (9th grader) had a "Diagnostic Test" consist of Bahasa Indonesia, English, Math, and Science. And those tests made me nervous and curious about the placement for "Pendalaman Materi" class. After that, there was a sharing event with alumni, they're Senandung Nacita, M.Aufar, Annisa Anjani, and Naya. Of course, they're all success people borned by SMP Labschool Jakarta. I was very excited meeting them and motivate me to be as success as them even more.

On the next day, it's a day that has been awaited! It's time for AMT 2011! I woke up at 5 o'clock as usual and went to the school at 6 o'clock. After arrived in the school, I immediately put my bags to the bus and got ready for departure ceremony. The bus left school at 7.30 and the journey to Sukabumi is about 1,5 hours. We arrived at Grand Pesona Hotel at 09.00, then after put the bags in the hotel room. I stayed in room 206 with Bimo, Adit, Kemal, and Febro. Then, we immediately went to the function room and followed the first activity with Super Great Memory. In this activity, we studied how to make a good mind map to ease us in studying. Then, we are asked to make a mind map about a certain chapter in our learning book. I made a mind map about blood. Honestly, making mind map can help me in studying and I like making it but I feel that it needs a long time. Afterward, I went for Shalat Jum'at with others and then had lunch. The next schedule was attended by the guest star, Dik Doank. He gave us a lot of valuable motivation through his story which was seasoned by jokes. That schedule ended at 5.30 and continued by unforgettable material by Mr. Aris Ahmad Jaya. Certainly, that famous motivator gave us motivation and tips in facing UN, US, and other test. Not only it, he also has changed my life perspective to be better. At night, we submitted our mind map project and then followed by the next material with Mr. Aris, but he's not Mr. Aris Ahmad Jaya, haha.... Like Mr. Aris Ahmad Jaya, he advised us to be people with lots of dreams. I remembered his quote:
"Winners never give up, but losers always give up"
That's a motivating word of course. The last material for that day ended at 22.00 and then we went back to the room to sleep (this activity is usually called "menganyam bulu mata" in AMT).

The next day, October 29th 2011 is the last day of AMT. I woke up at 5 o'clock and then we were given a free time to do everything until 8.30. In that free time, I just watched TV and visited the other room, and certainly had a breakfast. But most of my friends swimmed in the pool, played in the garden, and the other activities. At 8.30, we met in the function room. Mr. Rosiman gave us a lot of information about UN and #18 Generation agreed for getting the average of UN score --> 37,8! That's a very fantastic score and this target certainly motivates us to be more diligent and more passionate to face UN. Not only it, we also chose the #18 Generation Leader and Irsa was choosen to be the leader. Then, we had to fill our Life Proposal; it contains about our target, dreams, and commitments in life. After that, we did "Studying Style Test" to know our studying style, and my studying style is visual! At the end, there was an announcement about the best mind map from each class, Alhamdulillah, my mind map is the best mind map in 9B :) and the prize is a flash disk! Then, there was also an announcement of diagnostic test result, Alhamdulillah, I'm the 2nd winner :D! I was very happy and it increases my passion for UN. T
hat's the last schedule in AMT 2011, and we went back to our beloved school, SMP Labschool Jakarta at 11.30 and arrived there at 1 PM.
Okay, this story is my unforgettable experience in AMT 2011. I hope that AMT can increase our motivation to face UN, US, etc and support us to be success people... :D

Good Luck Dezoito Força... Show Your 'Power of 18'!

These are some photos in AMT 2011 -->

On the way to Sukabumi.... :)

The guest star, Dik Doank performed on the stage...

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